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Check out our latest published article in the Open Journal of IEEE Signal Processing Society. It is about Spectral Estimation and evaluates different parameters involved in the implementation of direct sampling FFT-based measuring receivers. It might be of interest if you...
✔ ... want to know more about the processing behind time-domain emissions measurement.
✔ ...need guidance for selecting and adjusting spectral estimation parameters for your own FFT-based measuring receiver implementation using scopes.
✔ ...are interested in quantifying the numerical errors in the calculated spectrum due to particular windowing, overlapping and interpolation factors.
👉 The paper is open access and available in the IEEE Xplore (free to download).
The EMC-STD month 18 project meeting was just held in Barcelona, Spain. During the meeting, the progress made so far in each work package was reviewed, and the main contributions thus far can be summarized as:
✔ Development and validation of emissions measurement methods for in situ testing atypical equipment. This includes measuring electric and magnetic field disturbances from 30 MHz to 6 GHz and 150 kHz to 30 MHz, respectively.
✔ Investigation and optimization of time-domain emissions measurements, including identifying critical spectral estimation parameters through simulations and experiments.
✔ Calibration methods for determining the pulse response of measuring receivers alongside the proposal of alternative waveform patterns that could be used to validate the instrument performance more representatively.
✔ The application of software-defined radio modules to investigate interference in communication links and apply APD as part of emissions assessment.
For more details on the project outcomes, please visit also the project Zenodo community at
Measurement campaign in the EMC Laboratory at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
From 18 to 23 September 2023, our colleagues from EMC Barcelona, Marco A. Azpurua and Jordi Solé Lloveras, participated in a measurement campaign in the EMC Laboratory at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. This measurement session was organized by technical experts from IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) TC82 (Solar photovoltaic energy systems) – CEN and CENELEC TC219 (Mains communicating systems).
🎯 The goal of the experiments performed there was to investigate the magnetic field emissions measurement methods in the 9 kHz - 30 MHz frequency range with a focus on the propagation of PLC signals. Inverters and PLC modules were employed in the process. The influence of the measurement setup, cabling, measurement distances, and the differences between laboratory and on-site tests were studied. Time-domain measurement systems were extensively employed in the process.
The consortium of the EMC-STD project would like to thank the excellent experts who took part in this uptake action: Riccardo FIORELLI, Cedric Lavenu, Ingomar Müller, Christian Fasthuber, Ming Ye, Moawia Al-Hamid, Ralf Vick (EMV Group Chair), and Yasutoshi Yoshioka (Our Chief Stakeholder from Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.).
We look forward to a follow-up collaboration!
EMC Europe 2023 Special Session: In situ Electromagnetic Emissions Measurements
The project participants actively participated in the EMC Europe 2023 conference which was held in Krakow, Poland on 4-8 September 2023. On this occasion, the project team presented following 4 research papers in the Special session (see also the Publications section):
✔ Measuring Receiver Benchmark for Conducted and Radiated Emissions Testing in Space Applications
✔ Efficient In situ Assessment of Radiated Emissions using Time-Domain Measurements
✔ Improvement in Low Frequency Emission Test Method by Live Impedance Measurement
✔ Metrological Characterization of EMI Receivers
These articles have resulted from the research carried out in the period 2022-2023, during which we have had the collaboration of European Partners and Industrial Stakeholders.
On July 5 and 6, 2023, the first meeting of IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) CISPR A Joint Working Group 9 was held at Norsk Elektroteknisk Komite (NEK) in Oslo, Norway. This Joint Working Group gathers experts from CISPR subcommittees A, B, and H in an effort to define guidelines covering the appropriate measurement methods and procedures to perform a quick assessment of the electromagnetic emissions before and after the installation of equipment. The convenor Roger M. from the Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom) requested our colleague Marco A. Azpurua to prepare a presentation on "Rapid Emissions Checks: Using more affordable instruments as an alternative to the EMI receiver".
The contribution to JWG9 is in the framework of the EMC-STD project.